Syteline Customer Order Entry


Delivery Orders provide consolidation of order shipping\invoicing. Through Delivery Orders, you can:
  • Invoice for a specific Delivery Order
  • Create Delivery Orders before, during, or after Shipping
  • Track multiple shipments with one Tracking number
  • Create export documents.

Printing a Delivery Order can be used to create documents such as a Bill of Lading, Packing List, Pro Forma Invoice, Advance Ship Notice (ASN), and EDI Advance Ship Notice (ASN) for a Delivery Order
You can also specify Information about the Delivery Order such as carrier, consignee, consignor, invoicee, and special instructions.


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What Our Customers Say

“We engaged Fox Run and Solutions to look into system performance issues that occurred three months after upgrading to SL8. As a result of their experience, knowledge and genuine concern, our routing processes and reports have decreased run time by as much as 75%. With some additional hardware tuning recommended by FRSS, we eagerly anticipate even better results. ”

IT Manager
Commercial and Residential Door Manufacturer