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Are You Prepared for "Next Generation" Manufacturing?

Wednesday, May 1st, 2013 - Crowne Plaza Convention Center , 1-71 to 5901 Pfeiffer Road, Cincinnati OH (513) 793-4500

Session 1: 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM
  • Papperless Shop Flor Automation -
    A “paperless shop floor” enables information to flow throughout the organization and critical areas of manufacturing. “Paperless shop floors” have been created for thousands of forward thinking manufacturers, improving efficiency throughout their entire organizations. Now you will learn how the same results are possible for your organization.

  • Use of tablets on the Shop Floor -

  • Ray Attiyah:"The Fearless Front Line:the Key to Liberating Leaders to Improve and Grow Thier Business" - Read More

  • Google Glass -

  • Windows-based Syteline ERP DEMO - Read More

Lunch : NOON - 1:30 PM served for both sessions

Session 2: 1:30 PM - 4 PM
  • ERP Hosted On-site -
    This seminar provides an overview of on-site ERP hosting, describes the advantages associated with this delivery model, addresses common misconceptions associated with on-site ERP hosting, and briefly explores the process for considering a hosted an on-site hosted ERP system.

  • Cloud Virtual Machines -
    Virtualization helps organizations improve their efficiency of their use of hardware resources. Server images now exist as a single file. You can easily move server images from one piece of hardware to another, and replicate them at will. This creates a more scalable and flexible infrastructure for your organization.

  • Windows-based Syteline ERP DEMO - Read More


Call (513) 238-0083


What Our Customers Say

“First and foremost, we chose Fox Run Systems and Solutions because they have proven their abilities. When we’ve used other service providers in the past, 30% of the billable time was spent educating the individual sent out on how something worked before we could even begin to discuss our issues—even after a plant tour. With FRSS, they just had to see the operation and knew exactly what was needed.”

IT Manager
Racing/Auto Engine Manufacturer